How to Get Pre-Owned Japanese Goods From BOOKOFF Netshop  | ZenMarket


More than 30 years of experience in the sector have allowed the company to diversify its offerings. Among tens of thousands of products, it is now possible to buy all sorts of products at BookOff Online:

Shipping from BookOff?

BookOff does not offer international shipping, which means that to have BookOff products delivered directly to your home, your best (and only) option is to use the services of a purchasing intermediary such as ZenMarket.

Finally, let us point out that with BookOff, delivery is free within Japan if your order total is over 1,500 yen (around $10-$11). If your order is less than that amount, you may have to pay for domestic delivery to ZenMarket’s warehouse in Japan.


How To Buy From BookOff Online?

Shopping from BookOff Online is easy – just follow these 4 simple steps.

1. Sign In To Your ZenMarket account

Before you begin, log in to your ZenMarket account. You must be logged in to order items from Japanese sites through ZenMarket.

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2. Translate the Book Off site to English

Once you are logged in to ZenMarket, navigate to the Book Off Online shop.

To translate the Book Off Online Shop to English, copy the page URL and paste it into Google translate. For Google chrome users, you can simply right-click anywhere on the page and click “Translate to English”.

Translate BookOff website to English


3. Find Products

You can find products on the BookOff site by navigating the tabs and sub-tabs.

On the BookOff website, you can search for products by category . From left to right there is:

  • 書箱 (books)
  • コミック (comics/manga)
  • CDs
  • DVD・ブルーレイ (DVDs & Blu-Rays)
  • ゲーム (Video Games)
  • セット・まとめ買い (Sets & bulk purchases

BookOff Product Categories

Once you have chosen a product category you can filter results according to genre (science fiction, adventures, etc.), and even by target audience (children, families, adults, etc.).

Book Off product filters

As the site is well-organized, articles and new features are easy to find. However, if you already know exactly what you are looking for, you can search for it directly in the search bar at the top of the Book Off Store home page

Please note that searching in Japanese tends to give significantly better search results, so it might be worth translating your search terms ahead of time.

Also Read: Handy Tools To Find Japanese Products Without Knowing Japanese


4. Copy + Paste Item URLs into ZenMarket

Once you have found your desired item, simply copy the item URL…

One Piece Manga listed on Book off having its URL copied

…then paste it into ZenMarket’s search bar and click search. 

Pasting BookOff Item URL into the ZenMarket Search box

Once added to your ZenMarket shopping cart our staff will check the item details and make the item available for purchase on your ZenMarket account.

After you purchase the item, our purchasing team will work to buy the item and have it shipped to our warehouse in Osaka, Japan. From here you can have the item packed together with items you have ordered from other stores, as well as organize international shipping.


And that’s all you need to know to start snagging bargains from Book Off Japan’s online shop. For more information on the ZenMarket ordering process check out the link below!


Shop At Japanese Stores With ZenMarket




Buy goods directly from Japan!How to use ZenMarket tutorial


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