French Tourist Arrested for Punching a Woman in Roppongi


There are certain things you shouldn’t do when visiting a foreign country. Assaulting the locals may belong at the top of this list. One French tourist didn’t heed this basic etiquette – and now, he’s under arrest.

The incident

Roppongi - view of Tokyo Tower

According to local news, the suspect, 23 year old Charlie Evan (sic; チャルリー・エバン), was in Roppongi near Don Quixote on April 16th, around 5:40am, when he bumped into a woman in her 20s. LiveDoor News says she dropped a bento box she was carrying, leading to the two fighting.

Social media users have circulated video of the incident online. (We will not link to it directly, as the victim’s face is visible and the video may have been circulated without her permission.) In the video, the woman has her hands on the man as he backs away before he hauls off and punches her in the face. He runs away shortly after that, with people screaming in English after him.

The hit was so vicious, says LiveDoor, that it’ll take three weeks for the victim to heal fully.

Authorities found the suspect today and have placed him under arrest. It’s unclear yet when he will be formally charged. Japanese law allows suspects to be held for up to 23 days before charges are filed.

Evan claims, incredulously, that he “doesn’t remember” the incident that others caught on video. It’s unclear whether alcohol or drugs played a role.

As tourists come back, so do tourism problems

Roppongi is a popular spot for both tourists as well as Western foreign residents. Host to many high-end cabaret clubs, the location is a known hotspot for nighttime shenanigans.


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