How To Buy From Sonomono  


Japanese food has become popular for its unique flavors and textures. One of those unique foods, Natto, is a traditional dish made from soybeans cooked and fermented with a strain of bacteria called Bacillus subtilis. It may be an acquired taste for many people due to its strong odor and slimy texture.

Fortunately, modern innovation from Sonomono has led to the creation of Japanese natto supplements . These offer a convenient and effective way to incorporate Natto and its numerous health benefits into your daily diet without sensory challenges.

1. Benefits of Natto superfood

japanese born

Natto is a superfood with a host of health benefits:

  1. Probiotics: The fermentation process makes Natto rich in beneficial gut bacteria that improve digestion and immune function.
  2. Vitamin K2: Natto has vitamin K2, which is essential for bone health and blood clotting.
  3. Protein: Natto is made from soybeans, making it a rich source of protein. It has the nine amino acids that the body needs.
  4. Nattokinase enzyme: It is a product of the fermentation process and is said to have cardiovascular benefits. This distinguishes Natto from other foods in terms of its health-promoting properties.

Natto is a promising superfood with many health benefits, including better digestion, a more robust immune system, and better heart and bone health. As research continues to deepen, we can expect to discover even more health-promoting properties of Natto, instilling confidence in its potential.

2. Presentation of Sonomono Natto supplements

The fermentation of soy also gives it a distinctive odor and mouthfeel that some people may find unpleasant. So how can you get the health benefits of soy if you can’t eat it?

This is where Sonomono Japanese Fermented Bean Supplements come into play . They are an innovative solution that makes soy and its benefits accessible to everyone.

Natto supplements use high-quality fermented soybeans to provide the user with the full spectrum of Natto’s health-promoting benefits. Perfect for health-conscious individuals, these nutritional supplements offer an easy way to incorporate the goodness of Natto into your daily routine.

Here are some of the features of Sonomono Natto supplements that set them apart:

  1. Effortless consumption

    Supplements come in various forms, including a handy powder. This eliminates the hassle of navigating the process of consuming or preparing Natto. Simply add the powder to a smoothie or yogurt or sprinkle some on a salad to effortlessly incorporate Natto into your daily diet.

    Another convenient form of Japanese fermented soy supplement is a pill that can be taken with water as a daily vitamin. With this simple addition, incorporating the benefits of Natto into your routine has never been easier.

    The best thing about Sonomono supplements is that they have labels like “I don’t like Natto” or “I just like drinking natto” attached to each product. These labels make it easy for people to choose how they want to incorporate Natto into their lives, based on individual preferences and lifestyles.

  2. Preserving the essence

    Sonomono supplements do not compromise the soy fermentation process. In this way, all the nutrients and factors beneficial to the health of Natto are preserved.

  3. Goodness without additives

    Sonomono makes their Japanese natto supplements using only clean ingredients. With no additives, preservatives or artificial fillers, these supplements allow you to experience the benefits of Natto without any unwanted additives! Enjoy the power of Natto with peace of mind!

  4. Umami on demand

    For those who want to infuse their meals with the distinctive Natto flavor. Sonomono offers a perfect solution. Its powder can be used as a savory seasoning for dishes to enhance its umami flavor.

3. Where to buy Japanese natto online

Now that we know all about the features of Natto and Japanese fermented bean supplements, the question arises: “Where can I buy them?” The answer to that question is ZenMarket.

Sonomono Japanese Natto Supplements can be easily purchased from ZenMarket by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Create your ZenMarket account

    First, open the ZenMarket website and then register to create a ZenMarket account using one of the various options offered: your email ID, Google account, Facebook or Alipay.

  • Step 2: Add Sonomono Natto supplement to your ZenMarket account

    To purchase Sonomono Natto supplements, go to their official website and look for the ZenMarket banner. Click or tap the Add to Cart button.

    Your item will be automatically added to your cart on Zenmarket. However, additional steps may be required if you are not signed in.

  • Step 3: Wait for the ZenMarket team to verify the item and quote the price

    Wait some time after adding the item to your list. The ZenMarket team will review the supplement and get back to you within 24 hours. You will be able to see the price of the item, the national shipping costs and the ZenMarket platform rates. To check the total amount, simply go to the “My Account” option in the top right corner. To make payment, you can add funds via card or PayPal.

  • Step 4: Wait to buy Natto supplement from ZenMarket

    After payment, the status of the Natto Supplement will change to “Waiting for purchase”. Our team will order the supplements and deliver them to our warehouse within a few days. You can check the order status in the “Main” tab of your account. It will go from “awaiting purchase” to “purchased”.

    At this stage, you can request our photography service for an additional charge of 500 JPY. Our team will take photos of your item once it has arrived at the warehouse and upload them to your account so you can check it.

  • Step 5: Create a plot
    Creating ZenMarket plots


    Once your supplements arrive in the warehouse, go to “Packages” in your account and click on the supplements to create a new package. Add your address and shipping preferences. Don’t forget to verify your address before pressing the “create package” button. Here is a detailed tutorial on how to create a package with ZenMarket.

  • Step 6: Wait for the price quote for international shipping and then pay

    Immediately after creating the package, the ZenMarket team will package your order. You can check your email or ZenMarket notification for updates on international shipping rates. After this, pay the shipping costs.

    Please note that international shipping can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on your location and the shipping method chosen. And that’s it. Congratulations, your Sonomono Natto supplements have been successfully purchased.

    After receiving the supplements, you can easily incorporate Natto, a fermented soy dish, into your diet in a noticeable and discreet way.

4. Conclusion

Natto, with its rich history and integral role in Japanese culture, is finally gaining well-deserved global recognition for its numerous health benefits. Sonomono Japanese Natto supplements are an accessible and convenient way for people around the world to enjoy this traditional superfood. ZenMarket services have uncovered the treasures of healthy Japanese food, making it possible to try dishes like Natto.



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