Top 5 Recommendations for Japanese Coffee Beans –


Coffee has become an essential commodity in our everyday life. When we want to chill or relax we think of getting a cup of coffee. When we want to freshen up our minds we also go drink a cup of coffee. The scent of coffee does not only smell nice, but it also seems to offer relaxation and refreshment. 

There are many varieties of coffee beans in the market, since Japanese love good coffee, there are many local coffee roasters originating from Japan. In this blog, we will introduce a beginner guide on how to choose coffee beans and recommend the Top 5 Coffee Beans made in Japan



The Benefits of Coffee

Drinking coffee can help people relax. The aroma of brewing coffee can help with relaxing your mind and body. In addition, there is data showing that people who drink 4 to 5 cups of coffee a day are less likely to develop liver cancer and cardiovascular disease than the general population.

On the other hand, if you drink too much coffee, you will have too much caffeine in your system which can interfere with sleep and lead to limb tremors. However, drinking black coffee without adding milk and sugar can improve your health conditions.

If you are worried about the effects of caffeine, it is recommended to drink coffee between mornings and evenings. Alternatively, there are many types of decaf coffee that do not contain caffeine, so there’s always a coffee that suits your needs.



How To Choose Coffee Beans

For coffee drinkers, do you end up drinking the same coffee every time because there are too many brands out there? Or you do not know how to choose which coffee is best for you? Here in this blog, we will talk about the 4 main considerations to choose the right coffee for you.

1. How to Choose: Coffee Brewing Method


When purchasing coffee beans, the first thing to look at is the brewing method. There are 4 main brewing methods –

  1. Decotion (through boiling method)
  2. Infusion (through steeping method)
  3. Gravitational Feed (using percolators and in drip brewing method)
  4. Pressurized Percolation (an example is espresso)

First, choose your coffee brewing method. If you prefer the easiest way of making coffee, we recommend choosing instant coffee. By just pouring hot water and stirring the water into the coffee mixture, you get a cup of coffee in less than 5 minutes. Of course, if you are looking for the traditional way of making coffee, then coffee beans are the right place to start. 

Pour Over/Drip coffee is one of the most popular ways of brewing coffee. You grind the coffee beans and use special brewing equipment to make coffee, enjoying the aroma while the coffee is brewed. There are many ways to brew coffee, so choose your preferred coffee brewing method depending on your lifestyle and taste. 

If you are interested in learning more about brewing methods, you can read this article here for 20 Coffee Brewing Methods (with images).  

 2. How to Choose: Powdered Coffee or Ground Coffee Beans?


There are Powered Coffee and Ground Coffee Beans. When coffee is exposed to air, it oxidizes and loses its flavor. The coffee then becomes stale and bitter. As a result, grounded coffee beans can be stored longer than powdered coffee as it has less surface area that is exposed to air. However, it also takes more effort to make coffee with ground coffee beans. On the contrary, powdered coffee is quick and easy to make, but it oxidizes quickly once exposed, so it is recommended for those who consume the whole pack in a short period of time. 

 3. How to Choose: Single-Origin or Blend Coffee Beans


When purchasing coffee beans, the one thing to pay attention to is whether the coffee is “single-origin” or “blend”. Coffee that uses only beans from a specific production area is called “single-origin”, and coffee that mixes beans from various production areas according to its own specific standards is called “blend”.

Coffee beans have different characteristics such as color, flavor, and smell depending on the place of origin, so the taste also changes greatly. If you have a specific coffee production origin that you prefer, we would recommend looking for your favorite single-origin blend coffee beans.

On the other hand, with blend coffee, you will be able to create a customized flavor by mixing the characteristics of various coffee beans, and every coffee shop always has its own special house blend. Some coffee shops have devised coffee flavor profiles so that you can visually understand the richness, texture, and acidity of the coffee that the shop provides, it is always interesting to try different flavors of coffee. 

 4. How to Choose: Coffee Beans Roast Levels 


By slowly roasting raw beans over a fire, coffee beans gradually give out a unique fragrance and aroma depending on the roasting level. The length of roasting time is called roast levels, it can be mainly classified into four types: light roast, medium roast, medium-dark roast, and dark roast

Light-roasted coffee beans have a strong acidity and a gentle mix of bitterness, medium-roasted coffee beans have a well-balanced profile of sourness and bitterness, and dark-roasted coffee beans have the least sourness. The coffee flavors change greatly depending on the degree of roasting.

Why don’t you try comparing coffee with different roasting conditions and find the taste that suits your taste? You can learn more about the roasting types of coffee in this article about 4 Types of Coffee Roasts (with images).


How To Store Coffee Beans

Coffee beans are perishables that deteriorate rapidly once exposed to air. In order to store coffee beans in the proper conditions, be sure to pay attention to four things: temperature, humidity, direct sunlight, and oxygen level.

Store coffee beans in an airtight container in a dark, cool, and dry place. Also, in general, it is good to store coffee beans at room temperature. Some people recommend storing coffee beans in the refrigerator, but storing coffee in the fridge can cause condensation and moisturize the beans due to temperature differences. The beans will also absorb the odors inside the refrigerator and this affects the flavor of the beans.

To make delicious coffee, it is recommended to use all the coffee beans within 2 weeks of opening the package. Keep your coffee stored properly and let’s enjoy good coffee at home! 



TOP 5 Recommendations for Japanese Coffee Beans

Even coffee is just one word, there is a wide variety of coffee types and various coffee manufacturers all over the world. Of course, the taste is different for each manufacturer, and the characteristics of each blend are also different, so be sure to try different kinds of blends and find the one that suits your taste.

We have carefully selected the best 5 coffee beans made in Japan. Here is the list of recommendations in descending order with our comments on each coffee’s characteristics, please do enjoy our commentary and try them yourself!

【Top 5】KATO Coffee Roaster’s Golden Blend 加藤珈琲店 ゴールデンブレンド

 加藤珈琲店 ゴールデンブレンド

This coffee is a blended coffee that uses coffee beans harvested in Colombia and Laos. It has a good balance of bitterness and acidity, and it is labeled to be a versatile coffee anyone can enjoy. The characteristic of this blend is that the beans were lightly roasted which draws out the original flavor of the beans.

Shop for KATO Roaster’s Golden Blend


【Top 4】KUNITARO’s Avance Kilimanjaro Blend 国太楼 アバンス キリマンジャロブレンド

 国太楼 アバンス キリマンジャロブレンド

This coffee uses coffee beans harvested in Tanzania and Colombia. It is a well-balanced coffee with a strong aroma and a well-balanced acidity that allows you to enjoy a refreshing aftertaste. The characteristic of this blend is that it uses 100% carefully selected Arabica beans.

Shop for KUNITARO’s Avance Kilimanjaro Blend


【Top 3】MUJI’s Original Blend 良品計画 オリジナルブレンド

 良品計画 オリジナルブレンド

The coffee is the original coffee blend of MUJI, which every Japanese person knows. Using coffee beans from Colombia and Honduras, you can enjoy a mellow fruit-like aroma. It also uses organic coffee beans, so perfect for those who prefer organic products.

Shop for MUJI’s Original Blend


 【Top 2】SAWAI Coffee Roaster’s Solblend 澤井珈琲 ソルブレンド

 澤井珈琲 ソルブレンド

This coffee blend is made from coffee beans harvested in Mexico and Colombia. A premium taste blended with coffee beans carefully selected from over 100 types of coffee production areas around the world. The beans are prepared and roasted only after receiving an order, so a degree of freshness is guaranteed. 

Shop for SAWAI Coffee Roaster’s Solblend


【Top 1】KALDI Coffee Farm’s Special Blend カルディ スペシャルブレンド

 カルディ スペシャルブレンド

This coffee is a blend using coffee beans produced in Colombia and Brazil. You can enjoy a rich flavor with acidity and bitterness, and I prefer enjoying this Japanese coffee blend with milk and sugar. The price range is reasonable and I highly recommend to try this.

Shop for KALDI Coffee Farm’s Special Blend



When it comes to coffee, often overseas coffee brands like Starbucks or Nestle are well-known. But as coffee enthusiasts, coffee blended and roasted in Japan is also very delicious. It is recommended to classify the different unique tastes by sourness, richness, sweetness, bitterness, etc., and find your own preferred taste.

In this blog we have carefully selected and introduced our top Japanese coffees. All coffees made in Japan are of high quality. Please take this opportunity to enjoy a relaxing time with Japanese coffee!


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